A Moment In Time


While being part of the DROELOE project I did the art-direction for our first bigger body of work, A Moment In Time.

A Moment In Time explores the idea of how life is a collection of memorable singular moments. A string of these moments can create a story. How we refer to these moments and what emotional connotations we attach to these moments determents how they fall into a string of moments we call our memories. These in-turns serve as the foundation for how we explain ourselves to the people around us and how we construct our personal reality.

The beauty of this is that you can often be transported right back into these moments, sometimes even by the most simple and mundane things. The way the light filters through the leaves of a tree, the voice of the train departure announcement. The idea for A Moment In Time was to celebrate these moments, settings, and objects that transport us back to our own moments.

The decision to have all of the artworks fall into a 1 point perspective is to enforce this idea of how a singular moment consists on its own but how a string of them makes a story. All of the settings are based upon personal memories we had that had connected with the songs featured on the EP.

You can stream the whole EP here.

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